Policy Benefits and Features

Life insurance offers the stable protection that you and your family—and even your business—need in a constantly changing world. While many people may think life insurance is too expensive and too complicated, it doesn't have to be. It is a powerful and flexible tool for protecting you and those you love. When you consider and understand how an insurance policy can help, you realize that insurance can be well worth the cost. So take the time to learn what it can do for you and your family. An insurance policy's death benefit can be the difference between staying in the family home, providing for higher education, keeping a treasured family business or not. If you have someone or something that you want to protect, life insurance can help you accomplish that goal, regardless of your current stage in life.

  • Protect your family's future by providing income to pay expenses, such as a mortgage, care for a child or parent, higher education, and emergency demands that are bound to arise as the household finds its financial footing.
  • Protect your family from financial risks as your life circumstances and financial commitments change. 
  • Leave a legacy, either by offsetting the impact of estate taxes or by creating additional wealth for your family or a charity you want to support.
  • Protect a small business in various ways, such as covering the loss of a key employee, implementing your succession plan, or unlocking the value of your business for your own retirement.

New York Life Insurance Company of early 21st Century

New York Life Insurance Company of early 21st CenturyIn November 2013, the company announced it would not participate in the Troubled Asset Relief Program. "The company can meet all of its strategic objectives without government capital, its businesses are strong and profitable, and it is committed to remaining a mutual company operating for the sole benefit of its policyholders," states a company press release.

According to their Report to Policyholders 2012, in early 2012 the company's managers became concerned about the state of credit markets, so in February 2012 "based on our belief that the markets were acting irrationally" New York Life decided to move much of its cash flow into safer investments such as US Treasury bonds. "By August 2012, the credit market problems we had feared were front page news,Theodore "Ted" Mathas, president and CEO in 2013, said at the time of the financial crisis that New York Life is "built for times like these." This phrase became the title for the 2013 report to policyholders. Ted Mathas becomes the company chairman on June 1, 2013New York Life maintains "superior" financial ratings from A.M. Best, Fitch, Moody's and Standard and Poor's, all of which have reaffirmed the ratings during the financial crisis of autumn 20016



Janpan Life Insurace Financial Loans Statistics

The balance of loans decreased from the previous year to 36.810 billion yen (96.6% y/y), accounting for
10.0% of total assets (down 0.9 points from the previous year).
Loans were the main items in the investment portfolios of life insurers from the late 1960s to early 1970s; however, the amount has been decreasing in the long run. Financial loans, accounting for 91.7% of total loans, decreased from the previous year to 33,741 billion yen (96.5% y/y), and policy loans also decreased from the previous year to 3,069 billion yen (97.9% y/y). [Figure 50] As for the items of financial loans, loans to entities account for 87.2%, followed by loans to individuals (6.0%). Among the loans to entities, loans to large entities account for 55.3% of the total, followed byloans to leading medium-sized entities (0.5%) and small and medium-sized enterprises (37.5%). [Figure 51] The amount of risk-monitored loans (total of loans to bankrupt companies, past due loans, loans overdue for three months or more and restructured loans) decreased from the previous year to 111 billion yen (91.6% y/y). Among them, past due loans amounted to 80 billion yen (95.7% y/y) and restructured loans amounted to 24 billion yen (91.9% y/y). The ratio of risk-monitored loans to total loans was 0.3% in fiscal 2014 (0.3% in fiscal 2013). [Figure 52]

Global Life Insurance Policy Information

The company began over a half century ago, in 1951, when two men had an idea for starting a businessheir venture began when the founding fathers determined their agency would market inexpensive but dependable life insurance protection to Americans who were living in rural areasAs admiration for the integrity of their business dealings grew, their enterprise became a success. In 1964, after 12 years, Globe Life employees began to market life insurance to their customers in 36 states. During the span of 50 years, Globe Life grew into a position of prominence within the insurance industry. as an industry leader, Globe Life maintains up to date technology and administrative systems that both anticipate, manage and satisfy any needs that may surface in regard to their customers.

Life Insurance companies are offering

It is, as if by avoidance, we can delay having to face the fact that dying will happen to all of us. Our daily routines continue, and we make new commitmentsThe motivating factors for people who do finally make the decision to purchase a life insurance policy usually coincide with the experience of a major life-altering event such as: getting married, starting a family, or purchasing a home. In fact, there are many other good reasons for purchasing a life insurance policythus providing their policyholders with the ability withstand any unplanned personal- financial emergencies